
Ionoforesi (iòno-phòresis = trasporto di ioni) refers to the introduction of a drug into the body through the skin using a direct current (galvanic current) produced by a specific generator. It can be described as a "needle-free injection."

  • The advantages of drug administration using this method are essentially:
  • Avoid systemic administration (oral, intramuscular, intravenous);
  • Apply the drug directly to the body area affected by the condition;
  • Allow the introduction of only the active ingredient, without excipients;
  • Hyperpolarise nerve endings (analgesic effect).

Applying the drug directly to the area to be treated reduces therapeutic times, resulting in a rapid regression of symptoms.

Painful conditions (algias) of the musculoskeletal system, such as arthritis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, lower back pain, cervical pain, muscle strains, etc., are treated by localising the therapeutic effect solely to the affected area.

The drug in its ionic form binds to specific protoplasmic proteins, which, by increasing the duration of its presence in the affected anatomical areas, allow for the use of a smaller amount of the drug compared to other methods of administration.

This is all possible because all drugs have the characteristic of containing positive, negative, or both types of ions (bipolar) — thus electrically charged — and by exploiting the physical principle of ionic migration from one electrical pole to another, we achieve transcutaneous administration through two electrodes, one positive and the other negative. These electrodes are made of conductive rubber plates covered with an absorbent surface and are placed on the skin of the patient near the area to be treated.

Our specialists:
Dell'Aira Ruben
Liporato Marco
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