Homeopathy can be defined as a regulatory therapy that stimulates and guides the body's tendency to heal. Its aim is to stimulate the body's regulatory system with the help of a substance, called a "remedy," which varies depending on the individual patient and their condition. Homeopathy is a science developed in the 1800s by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician who formulated a method of diagnosis and treatment quite different from the classical criteria of conventional medicine.
This therapeutic method is based on the law of similars, the therapeutic principle that "like cures like," which suggests that a substance capable of causing illness in healthy individuals, when properly diluted, can instead help cure a sick individual. Homeopathy involves prescribing to the patient, in infinitesimal doses, the same substance that in a healthy person causes a series of symptoms identical to those presented by the patient. The homeopathic doctor, therefore, after a thorough medical examination, must identify the most suitable "remedy" for the patient. The remedies used are natural substances of plant, mineral, or animal origin.
Homeopathy, which is currently widely practiced, often leads to gentle and lasting healing. However, it does not replace the knowledge of modern medicine but provides the doctor with the opportunity to approach the patient and the illness using additional diagnostic and therapeutic criteria, allowing for a more comprehensive understanding and treatment of the patient's overall health needs.
Dr. Balducchi Paolo
Dr. Fasani Giovanni